My recent trip to Scotland

After a 5 mile hike on a damp day we landed at the Kenmore Hotel - evidently the oldest in Scotland to finally enjoy a wee dram of Scotch and High Tea.   The Scotch warmed us up and the high tea was more plentiful than we could have possibly imagined!  What anyone failed to mention to us was that one order of high tea could easily have fed 3-4 people and we had ordered one each! 

It was a great laugh to see the wait staff march in with all of this food and the leftovers were put to great use the next day. Rabbie Burns in 1787 was so struck by the area that he composed a poem sitting on the bridge over the Tay and wrote it in pencil on the chimney breast of the fireplace in the Poets Bar - where it is to this day.

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